Hey guys, i’m having an issue importing .okqa file, I’m deploying with my team the paths directory but one of them after importing have a blank ribbon, when they click in the quickacess to understand if the scripts are there it crashes and close both revit and Orkestra addin. We have tried with both v1.8.0 and v1.8.2. The original ribbon are from the v1.8.0. Any idea how to solve this?
Hi there @goveiaBR ! Thanks for reaching out and welcome to the forum !
Is this only happening for one person?
Could you share the .okqa file so we can take a closer look at it ?
hello @m.elayoubi, we descover an error at the specified directory, even if i reference in a cloud service (acc, gdrive, onedrive) it keep the user path and when someone else try to import the .okqa file it crashes the addin. We manage to solve it opening the file with the noteblock and editing the user for everyone
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Thank you very much for sharing!
We’ll try to run tests with remote locations to see if there is something we can do at our level.
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