Hello! I’m working on a script in Rhino 8 that creates undulating fins from a given surface in the Y-Z plane. This script was working fine in prior versions of Orkestra but, when I updated to 1.9.2, anything asking for users to select a surface object breaks. Curves and other “Get Geometry” nodes function as intended but any surface component designated with ok for user input will not function.
The current workaround of replacing any surface node with a Get Geometry input will work - just thought I’d let everyone know. Please let me know if you see anything odd on my end!
Actually one more thing - I am unable to assign Geometry in Rhino 8 as I mentioned for a potential workaround. Works just fine in Rhino 7 but assigning Geometry merely pops up as a button to click in the AutoInput form without allowing the user to actually click an object to assign a geometry to the grasshopper script running in the background.
Hi @jblanchard ! Thank you very much for reporting this.
We’re looking into it! in the mean time, can ou please try with the Brep component? It is very likely that what is happening here is that Orkestra is not able to cast a brep into a surface.
Hello! So far, the Brep component is working though it does require a few extra little tweaks to deployed scripts so testing will take a bit of time today. Is there anything specific causing this snag or should we simply stay away from using the Rhino-native “Get Geometry” component that we’d otherwise be using for Grasshopper Player scripts?
Thanks for the quick workaround! I’ll let you know if I run into any issues with the Brep inputs.
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For now, I’d suggest trying to use the exact right component depending on the geometry you’re actually targetting. It will reduce the error window.
We’re working on improving the behavior of the inputs so they behave exactly like Grasshopper components, and this feedback is a great help.
Hello again - sorry, but I was incorrect before. The Brep component was only working when the brep itself was already assigned within the Grasshopper script and running the Orkestra-deployed version will not function on any new Brep objects. Orkestra is regularly declaring that my assigned Closed Extrusion (box massing objects) are not Breps and therefore a large portion of our scripts will not function in Rhino 8. I would attempt assigning these objects as “Extrusions” but Orkestra is unable to assign those kinds of objects within the AutoInput form.
The “box” component might be the right choice here then. If you have a minimal reproducible case that you can share it would be awesome!
Tried “box” as well to no avail. I’m unable to upload .3dm or .gha files on the forum but feel free to reference the picture - we’re using a Deconstruct Brep node and an Area component here but you’re welcome to have any object made via the Box command (classified as a Closed Extrusion in Rhino 8):
In this example, I had to manually assign the massing object in Grasshopper to get the script to function.
The extensions have just been allowed ! Apologies for that.
Would be great ro have just the 3dm !
Sure thing! Here you go:
Area from Massing.gh (10.9 KB)
MassingObjects.3dm (58.5 KB)
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Did some more testing - the Brep workaround works fine for objects created by extruding a curve (Closed Solid Polysurfaces) but will not work for objects generated by the Box command or similar objects (Closed Extrusions).
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Glad to hear it! Thank you for your work on this - truly everything else is running smoothly for me so far with 1.9.2 and your team absolutely deserve kudos for that! I hope everyone at Orkestra has a wonderful holiday season ahead!
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We appreciate this so much @jblanchard ! Thank you !!
Hey there @jblanchard !
Happy new year 
Just wanted to follow up on this as we have released 1.9.3 . This exchange made us push things much farther in the Auto UI Form integration !
Hi Mostafa! Yep everything in 1.9.3 is running really well with these Box objects (closed extrusions) and the other geometry inputs we use most often are also functioning just fine. Thank you for taking this into account!
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That’s wonderful to hear 
Thank you for the quick update!