Orkestra and multiple Revit Versions

Preface: As a consulting firm, we utilize multiple Revit verisions to match the different needs of our clients. We are usually using 3-4 Revit versions at a time.

When I set up the file paths in my “QuickAccess” on Orkestra in say Revit 2021, the paths are updated in all Revit versions (2022, 2023…). BUT I have different Dynamo scripts that I want to run in different Revit versions (since the script has to be adjusted for each year, some more than others). How can I have Orkestra look at different scrpits for each Revit version?

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Hey there @Sommer !
Content filtering based on version of revit is something that is perfectly handled by Orkestra Online.
The local version doesn’t do that, but we can implement it. Basically the same way you set Tab, Panel and UIName, you’ll be able to set versions. We’ll make sure to include this in the future.

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